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The Ideal Leader Nigeria needs is the Youth

The Ideal Leader Nigeria Needs For a Positive Change

Politics in Nigeria has been argued to be more of a game than it’s a ruling system. To describe Nigeria’s political system is to dress it with an adjective of dangerous, tricky, or precarious. But can one say this is enough validation for youths’ lack of interest in politics? No, I believe. The ideal leader Nigeria needs are the youths.

The ideal leader Nigeria needs is the youth

To begin with the age restriction of the Nigerian constitution, we could see how from the outset the country has given much more opportunity to the old than the youths. In fact, from the previous records of presidential and gubernatorial history, the conclusion that Nigeria practices a gerontocratic system (where the old people rule) is not baseless. 
Sometimes, I wonder if democracy in Nigeria is democratic after all. The political system is meant to be of the people, by the people, and for the people. But such is not the case, herein. This country has given a different perspective to what democracy should mean, a reconstruction perhaps — wherein the elected representative becomes the head of the people, and not necessarily by or for the people. What I mean, in short, is that gaining a political seat in Nigeria is more about affluence and influence. It does not really matter if the candidate is an exemplary one and if he is right for the country or not. How then do the youths, who are
meant to be the future of this country, participate in politics? And what will be the importance of the youths’ political participation?
First is the recognition of education as an all-around developmental factor, and its dynamism too. It is obvious that things improve and upgrade, education included. This means that the kind of education the youths have been screened through isn’t the same as the elderly ones. There is a wide gap in educational infusion, political knowledge included. What I mean is, the youths have
more information about the current politics and from the interest that has been built in them with regards to books, they have the knowledge of the past politics too. Now, the combination of their knowledge of both the present and past systems of politics will yield a massive positive change. Are you beginning to see why the youths’ political participation should be promoted?

Why are the youths the ideal leaders Nigeria needs?

One of the virtues that make the youths better candidates for politics in Nigeria is their eloquence and persistence to enforce radical change. This was perfectly portrayed during the resistance against the SARS in 2020 — the EndSars movement. The youths’ eloquence and strong will were seen in vivid light. Why? To get rid of what they believe is more of a tragedy than a blessing to them. Now, all we need is a strip of imagination. Let’s imagine if these youths, with their eloquent voice and strong will, rule the nation. The result will be positive, of course.

From historical references, we have seen how world leaders with eloquence have influenced their subordinates into action for the betterment of society. Look at Mark Anthony in Julius Caesar, the Roman Emperor; Adolf Hitler of Germany; Winston Churchill, etc. and you will understand the power of voice, which predominantly belongs to the youths. 
In conclusion, the youths’ (by the virtue of their eloquence, education, strong will, and youthful vigor) political participation should be promoted, as the importance of their participation is a positive change in the country.

Sunday T Saheed

Sunday T. Saheed, the author of Rewrite The Stars, is a Nigerian writer and a Hilltop Creative Arts Foundation member. He was the 1st runner-up for the Nigerian Prize for Teen Authors, 2021. He has been published or forthcoming in journals and magazines including Shrapnel magazine, Rough Cut Press, Temz Review and others.