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The Hijab: A Choice or an Imposition

The hijab, a head cover popularly worn by some Muslim women is a potent symbol in today’s world. Due to the Western media and some internet users, the hijab is often placed in a bad light alongside its wearer and even the religion of Islam generally. There are also controversies surrounding what hijab really is and its purpose. In this article, the meaning and purpose of hijab are explained, the misconceptions surrounding it, and the common question of whether it is a choice.

The Meaning and the Purpose of Hijab

the hijab
Image credit: Muhmiinahh, Pinterest

The hijab means a barrier or curtain. Islamically, the hijab is more than just a dressing but an encompassing principle of modesty applicable to both Muslim men and women as regards their dressing, conduct and mannerisms. For this article, however, the scope of the hijab will be limited to the head cover. The hijab is a commandment from Allah contained in the Qur’an and it is an obligation upon every Muslim woman to wear it. 

In the Qur’an, Allah says:

O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves [part] of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.


The hijab is a garment that conceals a woman’s adornment from head to toe. The purpose of this is to protect women from prying eyes, objectification, and harassment. It is popularly believed that the more a woman reveals her beauty, the more she invokes the desires of men and is pursued by men of lust. Women in Islam are placed in high esteem, dignity and respect. So, the hijab is adorned by a Muslim woman to protect her from being gazed upon by men, from molestation and to preserve her honor and dignity.

The Misconceptions Surrounding the Hijab

Image credit: Mahza Nur, Pinterest

There are several misconceptions surrounding the concept of hijab and even its wearer. Most are due to misinformation, stereotypes, the media and sometimes even what some Ignorant Muslims portray. It should first be understood that as it was defined above, the hijab is an obligation upon every Muslim, male and female. Every Muslim must be decent in dressing, speech and character. However, the head garment is an obligation restricted to Muslim women alone.

The following are other common misconceptions about the hijab and its original position:

The hijab is Arab culture

The hijab is more than a cultural attire. It is a religious obligation. The command to wear the hijab was not limited to the Arabs alone but to all believing women. It will be ironic but true to state that some women did not veil themselves. Those that did, did so because then, veiling was only a symbol of respect worn by the elite and upper-class women. 

 Hijabis must be perfect

 Most people are quick to attribute the misdeed of a hijab wearer to the hijab forgetting that all humans are infallible, hijab or not. That someone wears the hijab does not automatically make them a saint or sinless, so do not expect perfection from them.

The Hijab is worn all the time

 The hijab is not worn all the time and most especially not in the shower. Women are allowed to remove their hijab when they are indoors alone, amidst females, unmarriageable males (their father, grandfather, brother, uncles, sons, nephews, etc), one’s husband, and boys that are yet to attain the age of puberty.

Hijabis are dirty and unfashionable

This misconception stems from ignorance and has thrived for a long time. Hijabis are not dirty and unfashionable. Islam is a religion that promotes cleanliness and looking your best. If you have come across a dirty hijabi, attribute it to her persona and not make a generalization that all hijab wearers are dirty. Hijabis are big on haircare and skincare. Also, that one adorns the hijab doesn’t kill one’s fashion sense.

Hijab oppresses women

The purpose of the hijab is definitely not to oppress women but to empower them. The Western idea of freedom has poisoned minds and has made many to believe that a woman being almost naked is freedom. The hijab honors the woman and she is more respected with it on. 

Hijabis are unintelligent

Intellectual prowess knows no bounds. A lot of women have impacted many fields and many have done so with their hijabs on. There are a lot of Muslim women across the world excelling in law, medicine, education, etc. Muslim women are also women with remarkable academic excellence and professional feats and the hijab does not limit that.

Is the Hijab a Choice?

Image credit: Zuhdiyyah Afanin, Pinterest

No and yes. From a solely religious perspective, the hijab can be said not to be a choice. This is because it is a command from Allah and in Islam, all commands from Allah must be obeyed. However, humans were created with free will. Sometimes, they choose to obey these commandments and sometimes, they do not. However, this is between them and Allah. 

The hijab will be said to be a choice in a situation whereby a woman chooses to wear it, she should NOT be compelled to take it off.

Also, it is encouraged to promote good and to forbid evil in Islam. A woman can be advised to wear the hijab if she is not already doing so as a means of promoting what is good. However, one should not resort to the use of force or violence. This vice has been reported where family members resort to violence when their daughter or sister refuses to wear the hijab. This is un-Islamic and a woman should not be compelled in this manner to wear the hijab.


In conclusion, the hijab is far from merely a piece of clothing. It is a symbol of modesty, dignity, and faith. Contrary to the misconception that it oppresses women, the hijab is a testament to the elevated status of women in Islam, emphasizing respect and protection. While the misconceptions surrounding it are limitless, it is crucial to understand its religious significance and the personal choices involved. 

Yusuf Zinat

Yusuf Zinat is a common and Islamic law student of University of Ilorin. She is a creative and content writer with a keen interest in writing poetry, fictions and skincare articles.