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Empowering Women to Break the Cycle of Gender-Based Violence

In Nigeria and around the world, gender-based violence continues to be a pressing issue that affects countless women. In a world that boasts incredible advancements in technology and human understanding, it is disheartening to acknowledge that gender-based violence continues to afflict countless women.

Consider this: one in three women globally has experienced physical or sexual violence at some point in her life. These are not just statistics; they are the silent cries of countless women. In recent times we have seen an upsurge of reports of Nigerian women being brutalized and killed by their partners. The recent being a university student killed by her boyfriend. 

Gender-based violence encompasses a broad spectrum of abusive behaviors, such as physical, sexual, emotional, and economic violence, specifically targeting individuals based on their gender i.e. the female gender. It’s not confined to any particular region, religion, or socioeconomic group; it’s a global crisis that transcends borders.

Gender-based violence

The repercussions of gender-based violence are profound and devastating. From physical injuries to emotional trauma, women often bear the scars long after the violence has subsided. The toll on mental health is significant, leading to conditions like depression and post-traumatic stress disorder which largely affects not just the victims themselves but their families as well as children if any, some who may recover and some never do.

Gender-based violence doesn’t emerge in a vacuum. It’s rooted in deeply ingrained gender inequalities, cultural norms that perpetuate male dominance, and economic disparities. This cycle of violence is often passed from one generation to the next unless there’s a swift intervention.

Empowerment: A Weapon against Gender-Based Violence

Empowerment is a potent weapon against gender-based violence, as it seeks to provide women with the tools, resources, and support needed to assert their rights and challenge societal norms that perpetuate violence against them. By empowering women, we can create a society where gender-based violence is not tolerated. Education, raising awareness, and providing access to formal education, are critical first steps. Women who are educated and aware of their rights are better equipped to protect themselves. Moreover, economic independence and financial literacy play a pivotal role in reducing vulnerability. 

When women can support themselves, they’re less likely to remain in abusive situations.

Feminism plays a vital role in this empowerment process by advocating for gender equality at all levels of society. It challenges harmful stereotypes and promotes inclusive policies that protect women’s rights. Through feminist movements and organizations, awareness about gender-based violence is raised while fostering solidarity among survivors.

Legal and policy reforms must complement efforts to combat gender-based violence. Governments and international organizations have a role to play in enacting and enforcing laws that protect women from violence. Countries like Sweden and Iceland serve as models in this regard, implementing robust legal frameworks to safeguard women’s rights. Nigeria is also well on its way to achieving this with the passing of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPP) even though implementation proves a big problem. A good form of deterrence is making an example of already existing offenders by holding them to the full extent of the law.

Support systems are the safety nets for survivors. Shelters, hotlines, and counseling services offer immediate assistance and a refuge for those seeking to escape abusive situations. Organizations like the National Domestic Violence Hotline in the United States are lifelines for countless women in distress. A good initiative like this one needs to be replicated and modified worldwide, especially amongst the most vulnerable areas, to help women.

Breaking the silence is an essential step in the battle against gender-based violence. Women must be encouraged to speak out and seek help without fear of stigma or retaliation and this may be achieved with the creation of a community where women feel a sense of belonging and safety. Social media campaigns, such as the #MeToo movement, have brought this issue to the forefront, empowering survivors and igniting a global conversation. 

Engaging men and boys is equally vital in reorientation. Initiatives like “HeForShe” and “MenEngage” are inspiring change by involving men in the fight against gender-based violence. When men see their peers advocating against gender-based violence, there is a likeliness for change amongst them. It’s a collective effort that holds promise for a more equitable world.

Empowering women to break the cycle of gender-based violence is not an option; it’s a moral imperative. We must continue to raise awareness, support legal reforms, and provide the tools and resources that women need to escape violence and reclaim their lives. Only by working together can we make this world a safer place for all women.

It is important for individuals, communities, governments, and organizations to come together in solidarity against gender-based violence. By working collectively towards empowering women and promoting equality, we can create lasting change and break the cycle of violence that affects so many lives.

Rabia Buba

Rabia Buba is a Nigerian legal practitioner specializing in criminal law. Her passion for the legal field extends beyond the courtroom, as she actively engages in thought-provoking discussions and activism surrounding social justice issues. When she's not immersed in the intricacies of her legal practice, Rabia indulges her curious mind through the pages of books and explores diverse culinary experiences that mirror her zest for life. Her love for storytelling extends beyond the courtroom, as she finds inspiration in the narratives woven by the characters on the silver screen. Through her legal expertise and unwavering dedication to justice, Rabia Buba strives to make a lasting impact on society, one case at a time. Her work is fueled by the belief that law is not just a profession but a powerful instrument of change, and she is determined to harness it for the betterment of the world.